WHSS Special Education

Parent/Guardian Information

Parents are vital to students' success at school. Parents and guardians act as advocates for their students and provide support from home. Here, find information and resources that can help you help your student.

Parents/guardians are part of the team of experts we consult to write an Individual Education Plan for a student. It is important to note that students in a regular high school program participate in the program with accommodations - strategies we use to help students succeed - but not modifications. Modifying a program means changing the content of the course, while accommodating the program means that we provide specific supports for students but do not change the content of the course.

Helpful Links:
Upper Grand District School Board Special Education page - Information about  how special education functions in the Upper Grand District School Board.

Parents' Guide to Special Education (UGDSB) -  This guide explains the IEP and IPRC process, including what it means to be "identified" and the process for appealing the results of the IPRC. Some information about this process also appears on our website under IEP.

Learning Disabilities Online - This website provides practical plans for helping students with organization, completing homework, and other strategies you can use at home.

Trellis Mental Health and Development Services - Trellis is the organization that provides support for students and families with mental health and developmental challenges.

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada - A national, non-profit organization that advocates for people with learning disabilites.

Youth2Youth - A website dedicated to helping students navigate their way to post-secondary institutions.